Drawing(a)live Festival Viareggio
Curated by/A cura di
Erika Gabbani
Drawing(a)live is our Festival about live drawing & avant-garde performing arts. This was the first 2011 edition, four days in Viareggio, Tuscany (May 25–29th, 2011).
Drawing(a)live è il nostro Festival sul disegno e le arti performative d'avanguardia. Questa è stata la prima edizione, quattro giorni a Viareggio, Toscana (25–29 maggio 2011).
2011 2012
Viareggio I
Lari I
Screening Davide Toffolo IT
Iink e Giovi from the Austrian Tagtool/OMA International crew and their red van, during the first night teaser. Let's play with the city of the carnival!
There is something magical in seeing an artist who is drawing live. C'è qualcosa di magico nel vedere un'artista disegnare dal vivo.
— Erika Gabbani
Fupete & Pentolino's Orchestra premiere
audio-visual concert Fóco Theory
Fupete & Pentolino's Orchestra premiere audio-visual concert Fóco Theory
Fupete & Pentolino's Orchestra premiere audio-visual concert Focò Theory
Fupete & Pentolino's Orchestra premiere
audio-visual concert Fóco Theory
Shobo Shobo screenings inspiring a young artist...
Shobo Shobo screenings inspiring a young artist...
Blue screen on, let the fun begin!
Blue screen on,
let the fun begin!
Blue screen on, let the fun begin!
We live in the era of live mixed media: mixed arts, visions and impressions meet each other to create new horizons, to investigate new tools to work with, the work-in-progress as the show.

iink (Vienna, A)
Giovi (Vienna, A)
Gianluca Costantini (Ravenna, I)
Fupete (Livorno, I)
Carlo Galli (Viareggio, I)
Gianluca Cupisti (Viareggio, I)
Pentolino's Orchestra (Firenze, I)
Cabiria (Viareggio, I)
Alice Belardini (Viareggio, I)
Audio reading
Lello Voce (Napoli, I)
Danijel Zezelj (Zagreb, HR), Mulheres Barbadas (Sao Paulo, BR), Davide Toffolo (Pordenone, I), Ilan Katin (Berlin, D), Shantell Martin (Greenwich, ENG), Antonio Jorge Goncalves (Lisbon, P), Jorge Alderete (Mexico City, MEX), .mrt (Vienna, A), Shoboshobo (Paris, F), Jon Burgerman (London, ENG), Tohyto (Caracas, YV).
Idea + Cura Erika Gabbani
Production nasonero studio
Organization Laboratorio 21
Executive producer Gaia Querci
Art directors Fupete & Carlo Galli
Guest curator David Quiles Guillò
Illustration Fupete
Logo LLdesign
video reportage
Studio Sumatra, directed by Maicol Borghetti
mini-catalogue and website
Daniele Tabellini
media partners Firenze Fast Forward,
design(radar, Next Exit, Acidolatte
Thanks to
Robert Rebotti, Paper Resistance, Daniela Ubaldi, ROJO®, OMA International, Angelo Bramanti, Gino Tabellini, Roberto Querci, Giulia Querci, Ellis Rugari, Giovanni Galli, Maria Lotti Giuseppina, Carlo del Sante, Gionata Canova, Dario Frattaruolo, Marco Galli, Vera Caruso, Igor Boris Bertolucci, Andrea Nesti, Chiara Natalini, Elodie Lebigre, Maicol Borghetti, Giulia Fruzzetti, Mariaelena Marchetti, Nora Panattoni, Luca Coltelli, Giorgio Tommasi, Emma Guardi, Giulia Lazzarotti, Cristina Pucci, Irene Robertini, Manuel Perna, Tatiana Villani.
Local sponsors
Tekno Spedizioni Srl, MAC design, Ottica Bartolini, Ristorante Zaramare.
Technical sponsors
Auralex, Sushi Studio, Bortolomiol, TDE Informatica, Il Bar Sotto il Mare, B&B Au Chat Noir.
In loving memory of Valentino.
Thanks, man, it has been a pleasure to meet you.
Have a good trip, surf them all.
More info: Website Facebook page Vimeo Channel
All rights reserved. ©2011–2020 Erika Gabbani & Daniele Tabellini
Photos courtesy Marcelo Pietro Moffat.
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.