Indie by nature
Nasonero ● studio
Nasonero ● studio is an evolving archive of design exploration, artistic investigation, and pedagogical experimentation spanning 25 years. As the artist couple Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani — known in various incarnations as Teller & K, Fupete, and Gerjka — we're beginning to weave together our scattered threads of work into a single tapestry.
Like the layered history of our early 1900s house in Crespina, where Tuscan hills whisper to the Mediterranean Sea, this archive is a work in progress. While some chapters remain to be integrated, you'll find here the foundations of our journey: from curating Drawing(a)live (Viareggio 2011, Mexico City and Oaxaca 2012) to our latest exploration Wild Commons - Beni Comuni Selvatici (Crespina 2024).
This space exists alongside our other digital gardens (tellerk.com and danieletabellini.com) as we gradually blend our voices into a new one. Consider this an invitation to witness and partecipate in this transformation, both digitally and in person, where our door in Crespina remains open for a 'Ciao'.
Studio mail:
[email protected]
Garden Keepers
Explorer of systematic wilderness / Design technologist / Teacher of invisible things
Curator of possibilities / Art educator / Guardian of creative spaces
Artists couple
"Infinito Teso", 2012
MIS Museu da Imagem e do Som, Sao Pãulo, Brasil
A meditation on limitless canvas, where traditional boundaries dissolve into possibility.
Commissioned by NOVA
Curator David Quiles Guilló
A letter from outer space
Nasonero (blacknose) has been our informal associate studio since 2009. For over 20 years we have been freelance explorers across many creative territories. Whenever someone has told us to focus on one path, to keep domains independent, to cultivate separate portfolios... we knew that at the very least that would be naive. What is creation if not fusion, nuance and change? What is designing a better world if not openness, inspiration, the search for lateral ideas? A free tip for tonight: find a noise rock concert and get lost in it. See you there
Root System
MMP, Vértigo, Dr. Alderete, Lcd Firenze, Gianni Sinni, UNI.RSM.DESIGN, Giardini Pensili/Roberto Paci Dalò, Marcello Ziliani, Mireia Zantop, Fabio Lattanzi Antinori, David Quiles Guillò, ROJO, Carlo Galli, D’Aphostrophe, Canefantasma, Garadinervi, Lldesign, Massimo Barbierato, Olivier Marquezy, Andrea Fioravanti, Giulio Fermetti, Motaz Abuthiab, Nico Yoga Studio, Manuel Musilli, Scarful, Rhumornero, Scenica Frammenti, Teatro di Lari, Sandro Bottari, Daniel Egneus, Boris Hoppek, Neasden Control Centre
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.