2007/11 — Rome + Viareggio + Prato + Luxembourg
Reminder: do not teach anything, connects the dots, share discoveries and enjoy life.
IED Factory, Rome 2011
Drawing(a)live Festival, Viareggio 2011
Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Pecci, Prato 2009
Freeshout!? Festival, Prato 2007
Casino Luxembourg Forum d’Art Contemporain, Luxembourg 2007
Press on our
Typo 3D
IED Factory, Roma 2011
Language, typography, installations, do it yourself and creative commons.
Drawing as a freedom tool
Scuola Media Lenci, Viareggio 2011
Commissioned by Drawing(a)live Festival
Artistically I am still a child with a whole life ahead of me to discover and create. I want something, but I won’t know what it is until I succeed in doing it. — Alberto Giacometti
Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Pecci, Prato 2009
Students of Scuola Primaria Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa
Commissioned by Freeshout!? Festival
Freeshout!? Festival, Prato 2007
Structure, installation, public interaction, do it yourself and extemporaneous recursive design. A huge labyrinth installation with tons of recycled cardboard boxes.
workshop labyrinth by Fupete from Nasonero on Vimeo.
Casino Luxembourg Forum d’Art Contemporain, Luxembourg 2007
With Boris Hoppek and Neasden Control Centre
Commissioned by ROJO magazine for Colophon Festival
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.