Drawing(a)live Festival México
Curated by/A cura di
Erika Gabbani
Drawing(a)live is our Festival about live drawing & avant-garde performing arts. It was Mexican 2012 edition, two weeks during September: in Mexico City (Aug. 29th – Sept. 1st) and Oaxaca (Sept. 5–7th)
Drawing(a)live è il nostro Festival sul disegno e le arti performative d'avanguardia. Questa è stata l'edizione internazionale del 2012, due settimane a settembre in Messico: Città del Messico (29 ago. - 1 sett.) e Oaxaca (5–7 settembre)
2011 2012
México City MX
Oaxaca, MX
Lari I
Gary Panter was drawing Sonido Gallo Negro. Gary, yes, the US punk graphic legend vs the mexican cumbia band, live, at CCE in the center of Mcxico City around the corner of the pyramid... what a opening show!
Gary Panter drawing Sonido Gallo Negro, our friend Gary, yes the US punk graphic legend vs the mexican cumbia band, live, at CCE in the center of Mcxico City around the corner from the pyramid... what a opening show!
México City
MAM Museo de Arte Moderno
CCE Centro Cultural de España en Mexico
Vértigo Galeria
Museo del Ferrocarril Mexicano del Sur Oaxaca
Centro Diseño Oaxaca
La Curtiduria
Our project Strati Graphie live at MAM Museo de Arte Moderno of Mexico City: sonorized by DJ Astro, four pair of visual artists performing live drawing on 8 famous Mexican '900 paintings borrowed by the museum amazing collection. To understand: I draw and animate a space trip on a Siqueiros...
Gary Panter US and Elisa Malo MX
Fupete IT and Manuel Monroy MX
Dr. Alderete AR and Dulce Chacon MX
Carmen Segovia ES and Alejandro Magallanes MX
Edition produced by Nasonero studio + Vértigo Galeria.
Here our MEX2012 director board: Dani, Clarisa, Jorge, Erika.
Edition produced by nasonero studio + Vértigo Galeria. Here our MEX2012 director board: Dani, Clarisa, Jorge, Erika.
Fupete, Alejandro Magallanes, Pachiclon
Fupete, Alejandro Magallanes, Pachiclon
Elisa Malo
Elisa Malo
Photo courtesy Marcelo Pietro Moffat
Fupete IT drawing Twin Tones MX: Italian punkie totalista visual artist on stage with Tex Mex heroes at CCE Centro Cultural de Espana in Mexico City. A crowd of 1000+ jumping fellows cheers this first 30' performance of the show. Rock & roll.
Poster by Dr. Alderete
Fupete IT drawing Twin Tones MX at Museo del Ferrocarril Mexicano del Sur Oaxaca
Live drawing as a performative act and linked to other performance arts, such as performance art, theatre, music and dance; live drawing on a huge architectural scale or as theatre live scenographies. The courage of the artist to put his own extemporaneous presence on the stage, the look of the audience rapt in meditation.
Live drawing as a performative act and linked to other performance arts, such as perforamance art, theatre, music and dance; live drawing on huge architectural scale or as theatre live scenographies. The courage of the artist to put his own extemporaneous presence on the stage, the look of the audience rapt in meditation.
Disegnare dal vivo come un atto performativo e in collegamento ad altre arti performative, come performance, teatro, musica e danza; disegnare dal vivo su architetture in scale gigantesche o come scenografie dal vivo per il teatro. Il coraggio dell'artista di mettere la sua presenza estemporanea sul palco, lo sguardo del pubblico rapito in meditazione.
As artists and curators, we believe in an artist practice based on research, less on schools. We believe that doing vanguard and pioneering means to explore the unknown spaces between reality, potentially in infinite directions. We recognize that sometimes artists from far away choose simultaneously to look into the same direction, unaware of each other. In our view, these "common directions of research" define what is it contemporary art, doing art curatorship for us means to be aware of these common visions and works to let them emerge and reverberate.
As Fupete and studio nasonero we've been working on the link between drawing and performing art since 2010: and yet we feel that something still needs to be discovered, something that is worth telling, and we know we are not alone in seeking what is it. Drawing(a)live idea and Festival editions are our contribution to this common research and our gift to a community of talented, naive and brave artists around the world.
Do you remember Fry, the main character in Futurama, playing the Holophonor? It is a musical instrument from 31st Century, best described as a combination of an Oboe and a Holographic Projector. The holophoner creates the music of an orchestra and also a visual story, that's what we are talking about: creating and drawing visual stories, live.
We use futuristic tools as the Holophonor — «... very few people who know how to play in the Universe, and are certainly not that great.» — or basic ones such as live cameras shooting hands and analogic brushes or pencils; we use the awesome Tagtool, DIY and Ipad edition by OMA International, for digital live drawing and animations; we use any other kind of old or not yet invented drawing tools and projectors... and why not, we can draw directly with our body in motion or above bodies in motion.
We draw therefore we exist, we are alive.
Original concept and idea by
Erika Gabbani & Daniele Tabellini
© 2011–2020. All rights reserved.
Come artisti e curatori crediamo in una pratica artistica basata sulla ricerca, meno sulle scuole. Crediamo che fare avanguardia e andare in avanscoperta significhi esplorare spazi sconosciuti tra la realtà, potenzialmente in infinite direzioni. Abbiamo capito che qualche volta artisti da molto lontano scelgono simultaneamente di cercare nella stessa direzione, inconsapevoli l'uno dell'altro. Dal nostro punto di vista queste "direzioni comuni di ricerca" definiscono che cos'è l'arte contemporanea, fare cura d'arte per noi significa essere consapevoli di queste visioni comuni e lavorare per farle emergere e riverberare nello spazio.
Come Fupete e Studio Nasonero stiamo lavorando dal 2010 sul collegamento tra il disegno e l'arte performativa: inoltre sentiamo che c'è qualcosa che è necessario scoprire, qualcosa che vale la pena raccontare, e sappiamo che non siamo soli nella ricerca di che cos'è.
L'idea del Drawing(a)live e le edizioni del Festival sono il nostro contributo a questa ricerca comune e il nostro regalo a una comunità di talentuosi, ingenui e coraggiosi artisti sparsi in tutto il mondo.
Vi ricordate Fry, il protagonista di Futurama, mentre suonava l'holophonor? È uno strumento musicale dal 31esimo secolo, una combinazione tra un oboe e un proiettore olografico. L'olofonista crea la musica di un'orchestra e anche una storia visiva, ed è quello di cui stiamo parlando: creare e disegnare storie visive, dal vivo.
Usiamo strumenti futuristici come l'holophonor — «... very few people who know how to play in the Universe, and are certainly not that great.» — strumenti di base come telecamere, che dal vivo riprendono mani, e strumenti analogici come pennelli o matite; usiamo l'incredibile Tagtool, DIY e l'edizione Ipad a cura di OMA International, per animazioni e disegni digitali dal vivo; usiamo ogni altro tipo di strumento di disegno, vecchio o non ancora inventato, e proiettori della stessa specie... e perché no, possiamo disegnare direttamente con il nostro corpo in movimento o sopra corpi che si muovono.
Disegniamo, esistiamo, quindi viviamo.
Original concept and idea by
Erika Gabbani & Daniele Tabellini
© 2011–2020. All rights reserved.
Mexico City
Gary Panter US,
Fupete IT,
Carmen Segovia ES,
Dr. Alderete AR,
Coco Nuez AR,
Manuel Monroy MX,
Alejandro Magallanes MX,
Elisa Malo MX,
Dulce Chacon MX
Oaxaca extra
Daniel Berman, Bayrol Jimenez, Alfonso Barranco, Carlos Franco, Hackerspace MX
Exhibitions (Vértigo Galeria, Mexico City)
Fupete IT,
Paadín ES
Sonido Gallo Negro,
Twin Tones,
DJ Astro,
DJake de la Cueva
Tony Orrico EUA, Danijel Zezelj HRV, Jon Burgerman GB, Mulheres Barbadas BRA, Shobo Shobo FRA, Davide Toffolo ITA, Shantell Martin GB, Ilan Katin DE, António Jorge Gonçalves PT, So Kanno & Takahiro Yamaguchi JP, .mrt AUT, Dr. Alderete ARG, Fupete ITA
Idea + Cura Erika Gabbani
Production Nasonero Studio and Vértigo Galeria
Coproduction Centro de Diseño de Oaxaca
Support ROJO® BRA and Tagtool AUT
MEX 2012 curator Clarisa Moura
MEX 2012 associated productor Tai La Bella Damsky
Screenings guest curator David Quiles Guillò
Art directors Fupete & Dr. Alderete
Illustration Dr. Alderete
Logo Dr. Alderete
video reportages various **
mini-catalogue and website Daniele Tabellini & Jorge Alderete
Supported by Grupohabita, Zero Cero, Mezcal • Oro de Oaxaca, Burn, Sociéte Perrier, Smirnoff _ Sponsor Mini _ Media partners Frente, El Fanzine, Marvin, Folio., Juxtapoz, Lee+, Picnic, Indierocks, Tongue, TCLY, Ibéro 909, Artribune
Idea + Cura Erika Gabbani
Production nasonero studio and Vértigo Galeria
Coproduction Centro de Diseño de Oaxaca
Support ROJO® BRA and Tagtool AUT
MEX 2012 curator Clarisa Moura
MEX 2012 associated productor Tai La Bella Damsky
Screenings guest curator David Quiles Guillò
Art directors Fupete & Dr. Alderete
Illustration Dr. Alderete
Logo Dr. Alderete
video reportages various **
mini-catalogue and website Daniele Tabellini & Jorge Alderete
More info: Website Facebook page Vimeo Channel
All rights reserved. ©2011–2020 Erika Gabbani & Daniele Tabellini
Photos courtesy Marcelo Pietro Moffat.
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.