Tierra Y Azul
2008 — Mexico
Things that belong to land and things that belong to sky, the earthly and the magical to reveal the form.
Our first solo exhibition outside Europe, signed by our alter ego Fupete: MexicoCity, 2008. Our first 3 months long travel across Central and South Mexico.
Press on our tellerk.com/press
Solo exhibition
Kong galeria, Mexico City 2008
Visual Notes
Central and South area, Mexico 2008
¿Si la esperanza se apaga / y la Babel se comienza, / qué antorcha iluminará / los caminos en la Tierra? / ¿Si el azul es un ensueño, / qué será de la inocencia? — Federico Garcia Lorca
Travel notes
Central and South area, Mexico 2008
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.