Oscure luci colorate
2012 — Montescaglioso + Pisticci
Summer, Basilicata, southern Italy, the cloister of an abbey as the setting for a large scale audio-visual show, made of coloured lights, tribal sounds and traditional carnival masks. Show-direction conceived on-site during a ten-day residence. Chiostro di San Michele Arcangelo, Montescaglioso.
We had also a small stage late at night in a major film festival to present a special improvisation drawings-drums following the main theme of Foco Theory. LFF Lucania Film Festival, Pisticci
Commissioned by Michela Appio and Mario Ventrelli, Buffalmacco Idee per la Cultura
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Oscure Luci Colorate (Trans. Dark Colored Lights)
Chiostro di San Michele Arcangelo, Montescaglioso 2012
feat. Francesco Panico (trumpet), Tribal Attack and Mario Ventrelli (drums, didgeridoos, …)
Photos © Pierangelo Laterza
Photos © Franco Caputo
May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out. — J.R.R. Tolkien
LFF Lucania Film Festival, Pisticci 2012
feat. Mario Ventrelli (drums)
Travel notes
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.