2012 — Viareggio + Lucca
A partial portrait of my generation that I dedicate to each artist, creator or just friend I met in this decade. Nowadays the first page of your website is often your only public face. Its shape, and its changes over time, although unconscious, are like the shape, the wrinkles and the blinking of your eyes. Drawing a portrait of a web homepage, this digital-face of you, what i get is a picture of how you let the world see you. Portraiting 200 of these digital-faces what i get is a visual metaphor that has to do with the perception of self in contemporary culture.
Where are the 200 drawings? I’ve shared all of them with our society, a piece at a time. Indeed the full project had been released for free, through BAU, an annual assembled art magazine about contemporary culture, to collectors, artists and museums around. Inside each box of the 2012 issue #9 of BAU, there was one of this original portrait, handsigned and numbered. Possessing one of these 199 drawings of mine, collectors own the link to another artist, creator or just a friend of mine; just one collector own a link to me, to my self portrait. Everyone can see and reach all the others through this online indexed page of the project. Enjoy the pure networking.
Press on our
199 portrait drawings and 1 self portrait, pencil and stamp on old foolscap, 2012
When you sit for an hour and a half in front of somebody, he or she shows about twenty faces. And so it’s this crazy chase of, Which face? Which one is the one? — Francesco Clemente
Live painting
Lu.C.C.A. Museum – Lucca Center of Contemporary Art, 2012
BAU issue #9 launch event of
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.