2012 — Milan
With our alter ego Fupete we developed our new body of work by playing with the shapes and the colors of fire. Flames. Dances. Wisps. The Foco Theory. Black, red and white. Hints of yellow and light blue. Raw canvas. Ropes. Curves and inlets, as rivers of lava flowing down the volcano. Islands. Faces. Tribes. Let's see our inner sky burning high...
ROJO Artspace, Milano 2012
Rialto Sant’Ambrogio, Roma 2007
Studio Fupete, Roma 2006
47thFloor and SC02, Roma 2004
Sol pur col foco il fabbro il ferro stende / al concetto suo caro e bel lavoro, né senza foco alcuno artista l’oro / al sommo grado suo raffina e rende — Michelangelo Buonarroti
Photos by Giovanni Stimolo
2000–2025© Daniele Tabellini and Erika Gabbani / All rights reserved except where otherwise stated. / Tutti i diritti riservati eccetto dove specificato diversamente.